The availability of technology for use in teaching and learning

The availability of technology for use in teaching and learning in the Caribbean varied across different countries and regions. The use of technology in education is being promoted extensively as it is seen where technology plays an important role in education. There has been a rapid growth of the use of technology however there are some challenges that the education system faces as it relates to the use of technology in teaching and learning. Some of these challenges include:

Limited access to internet and devices – There has been an expansion across the Caribbean as it relates to accessibility to the internet. This enables access to online resources and educational platforms. Though access to the internet has expanded there are still challenges related to internet infrastructure and connectivity in some rural or remote areas. The availability of devices such as computers, laptops, and tablets are important for educators and students, as they need a device to log on to internet to gain access to educational materials and resources.

The inadequate training of teachers – There are growing concerns about teachers’ use of ICT skills in the adaptation of technology/ educational platform in order to deliver a smooth and effective lesson in the classroom. To solve this problem, workshops were introduced. Training programs and workshops are essential to ensure that teachers and educators are proficient in using technology effectively for teaching. Improving digital literacy among students is also a priority.

Despite the different challenges faced, various Caribbean governments have recognized the importance of integrating technology into education. They have implemented policies and initiatives to support the integration of technology in schools, colleges, and universities such as providing grants, subsidies, or incentives to educational institutions to adopt digital tools and technologies.

What are some of the ways that technology has helped you in learning?


ICT in Education – Caribbean Forum addresses more effective use of technology in education | UNESCO

ICT In Education – A Caribbean Forum to Address More Effective Use of Technology in Education – CARICOM Today 


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